I edited each of these videos. Any of my other contributions will be noted.
Cranberry Township Group Fitness Promo :30
(script & voice over)
Heinz Ketchup Challenge - "Smiley Face!!" :30
(script & camera)
Roma Foto Projekt 1:30
Basil Dental Care Testimonial Video 2:49
Cranberry Township Waterpark Promo :30
(script & voice over)
Heinz Ketchup Challenge - "Not Heinz" :30
(script & camera)
Cranberry Township Gift Card Promo :30
(script & voice over)
CTCC's 2019 Project of the Year promo 2:08
(voice over)
Survival of the Less Fortunate: Life in the Projects 4:06 (script, camera, & voice over)
Confessions Promo Video :41
Cranberry Township Tae Kwon Do Promo :42
Ohio Valley Optimal Healthcare Testimonial Video 4:22
(camera & photography)
Ohio Valley Optimal Informational Video - Peripheral Neuropathy 3:15 (camera)
Cleveland State University Viking Hall Promo 3:00